• 02.2269.4701
  • youngdo@youngdo.co.kr
  • 138, Jeonggeum-ro 101-beon-gil, Gasan-myeon, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Business status

Business status

Since the company was founded in 1967, we have professionally produced only textile subsidiary materials and exporting them to domestic markets and factories, to Europe and around the world.

Our business partners know that employees of YoungDo TrimArt try their best for satisfying our clients’ needs. They have been patrons with big satisfaction by our diligent effort.
We were awarded at “$ 1 Million Export Tower” in 2000. We have been operating Guangzhou branch from 2001 and Shanghai branch from 2008 for enhancement of international competitiveness.

We have been enhancing quality & developing new products & automatizing production continuously to strengthen international competitiveness.

We expand our business not only textile subsidiary materials but also industrial LCD tapes, mask bands and net tapes for medical purpose with our own production factory.
We are preparing various solutions for satisfying our clients’ needs. Our ultimate goal is that our clients’ happiness by supplying good textile subsidiary materials which fertilize human life based on trust between employees and company through transparent management.


We promise the best quality in the industry with systematic and innovative production facilities.

Office & shop

Youngdo trimart family are trying our best for clients’ satisfaction. Welcome to visit us anytime.

Sales network in China

Our Chinese branches have a good reputation in China and we have designated China branches as outposts for international business all over the world.

Domestic and foreign buyers
